The Edge of Work

New Ways of Working: How to Think and Work Differently with Chrissie Arnold (Director, Future of Work Programs, Slack)

Chrissie Arnold is the Director of Future of Work Programs at Slack. In her role, Arnold is tasked with identifying and testing new and novel ways of working that can help improve the way that Slack employees work so that they can improve key business results including productivity, employee engagement and employee satisfaction. 

During our conversation, Chrissie spoke about some of the lessons she’s learned about experimenting with new ways of working and thinking about work as well as some of the examples of different experiments that she and her team have run to help employees work better. Chrissie also shares some of her thoughts on how leaders can challenge workplace norms, build a culture of experimentation inside of their company, and her own perspective on how leaders can think differently about work.


  • Chrissie’s LinkedIn:
  • Slack Workforce Lab Research:

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