The Edge of Work

Voices From ATD ‘24: Terence Morley (VP, Global Talent Development, NBC Universal)

Al Dea

Note: This is a special episode from our conversations with talent development leaders at the ATD ‘24 Conference in New Orleans back in May 2024. 

Terence Morley is the VP of Global Talent Development at NBC Universal. Under his leadership, Terence and his talent and learning team have launched a number of key talent development initiatives to help employees develop, grow and manage their careers across the diverse business lines within NBC Universal ranging from theme park to news and media employees. 

During our conversation, Terence spoke about the importance of helping employees learn the critical skills for managing their careers, the benefits of this approach, and how he and his team are bringing this to life through their Talent Lab Program. Terence also shared some highlights from other leadership development programs for managers at NBC Universal and his own thoughts and perspective on how to create a better world of work.

  • Terence's LinkedIn Profile:

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