The Edge of Work

S2:E4 Unleashing the Potential of Talent through Career Mobility and Career Pathways

Al Dea Season 2 Episode 4

Matthew Daniel is a Principal of Talent Strategy & Mobility at Guild Education, and an experienced talent strategist. With deep research and practical experience in career mobility and talent strategy,  Matthew has extensive experience in understanding the importance of career mobility and what career pathways can do to unleash the potential and create economic opportunity for professionals. In his work at Guild Education, he leads a research team that works each day in thinking about how they can find more ways to help their clients create better career outcomes through career pathways and development.

During our conversation, Matthew spoke about his perspective on the current state of career mobility, the progress that has been made, as well as the challenges that lie ahead. He also shared some of his examples of where he’s seen companies who have made strategic investments in talent strategy and career mobility that have led to greater business outcomes, and offered some thoughts on how we collectively can embrace new thinking on career mobility to create better opportunities for our talent.


  • Matthew’s LinkedIn Profile: 
  • Matthew’s Articles:
  • Guild Education Website:

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